Aditya Hrudayam Stotram in English with meanings and significance

Aditya Hrudayam Stotram in English

Namah savitre jagadeka chakshushe
jagatprasooti sthiti naasha hetave
Trayee mayaaya trigunaatma dhaarine
virinchi naaraayana shankaraatmane

1. Tato yuddha parishraantam samare chintayaa sthitam
Raavanam chaagrato drishtvaa yuddhaaya samupasthitam

2. Daivataishcha samaagamya drashtu mabhyaagato ranam
Upaagamyaabraveed ramam agastyo bhagavaan rishih

3. Rama Rama mahaa baaho shrunu guhyam sanaatanam
Yena sarvaanareen vatsa samare vijayishyasi

4. Aaditya Hridayam punyam sarva shatru vinaashanam
Jayaavaham japennityam akshayyam paramam shivam

5. Sarva mangala maangalyam sarva paapa pranaashanam
Chintaa shoka prashamanam ayur vardhanamuttamam

6. Rashmi mantam samudyantam devaasura namaskritam
Poojayasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvaneshvaram

7. Sarva devaatmako hyesha tejasvee rashmi bhaavanah
Esha devaasura ganaan lokaan paati gabhastibhih

8. Esha brahmaa cha vishnuscha shivah skandah prajaapatih
Mahendro dhanadah kaalo yamassomo hyappam patih

9. Pitaro vasavassaadhyaa hyashvinou maruto manuh
Vaayur vahnih prajaah praana ritukartaa prabhaakarah

10. Aadityassavitaa sooryah khagah pooshaa gabhastimaan
Suvarna sadrisho bhaanur hiranyaretaa divaakarah

11. Haridashwah sahasraarchih sapta saptir mareechimaan
Timironmathanah shambhuh stvashtaa maartanda amshumaan

12. Hiranya garbhah shishirah tapano bhaaskaro ravih
Agni garbhoditeh putrah shankhah shishira naashanah

13. Vyoma naathah stamo bhedee rig yajussaama paaragah
Ghana vrishti rapaam mitro vindhya veethee plavagamah

14. Aatapee mandalee mrityuh pingalah sarva taapanah
Kavir vishwo mahaa tejaa raktassarva bhavod bhavah

15. Nakshatra graha taaraanaam adhipo vishva bhaavanah
Tejasaamapi tejasvee dvaadashaatman namostute

16. Namah poorvaaya giraye paschimaayaadraye namah
Jyotirganaanaam pataye dinaadhipataye namah

17. Jayaaya jaya bhadraaya haryashvaaya namo namah
Namo namah sahasraamsho aadityaaya namo namah

18. Nama ugraaya veeraaya saarangaaya namo namah
Namah padma prabodhaaya maartaandaaya namo namah

19. Brahmeshaanaachyuteshaaya sooryaayaaditya varchase
Bhaasvate sarva bhakshaaya roudraaya vapushe namah

20. Tamoghnaaya himaghnaaya shatrughnaaya mitaatmane
Kritaghaghnaaya devaaya jyotishaam pataye namah

21. Tapta chaameekaraabhaaya vahnaye vishwa karmane
Namastamobhi nighnaaya ruchaye loka saakshine

22. Naashayatyesha vai bhootam tadeva srijati prabhuh
Paayatyesha tapatyesha varshatyesha gabhastibhih

23. Esha supteshu jaagarti bhooteshu pari nishthitah
Esha chaivaagni hotrancha phalam chivaagni hotrinaam

24. Vedaashcha kratavashchaiva kratoonaam phalameva cha
Yaani krityaani lokeshu sarva esha ravih prabhuh

25. Enam aapatsu krichchreshu kaantaareshu bhayeshu cha
Keertayan purushah kashchin naavaseedati raaghava

26. Poojayasvaina mekaagro deva devam jagatpatim
Etat trigunitam japtvaa yuddheshu vijayishyasi

27. Asmin kshane mahaa baaho raavanam tvam vadhishyasi
Evamuktvaa tadaagastyo jagaama cha yathaagatam

28. Etachchrutvaa mahaa tejaa nashta shoko bhavattadaa
Dhaarayaamaasa supreeto raghavah prayataatmavaan

29. Aadityam prekshya japtvaa tu param harshamavaaptavaan
Triraachamya shuchir bhootvaa dhanu raadaaya veeryavaan

30. Raavanam prekshya hirshtaatmaa yuddhaaya samupaagamat
Sarva yatnena mahataa vadhe tasya dhrito bhavat

Atha ravi ravadannirikshya raamam
mudita manaah paramam prahrishyamaanah
Nishi chara pati samkshayam viditvaa
suragana madhyagato vachastvareti

(Iti Aarshe Srimad Ramaayane yuddha kaande Aaditya Hridaya Stotram naama
saptottara shata tamah sargah samaaptah)

Dhyeyassadaa savitr mandala madhya vartee
Naaraayanah sarasijaasana sannivishtah
Keyooravaan makara kundalavaan kireetee
Haaree hiranmaya vapur dhrita shankha chakrah
Mitra ravi soorya bhaanu khaga poosha
Hiranyagarbha mareechi aaditya
savitrarka bhaaskarebhyo namah.

Meaning and Significance

Aditya Hrudayam is a hymn to the Sun God, Surya, found in the Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki’s Ramayana. It was recited by the sage Agastya to Rama in the battlefield before his battle with Ravana.

The hymn is a praise of Surya, who is described as the source of all life, the destroyer of darkness, and the giver of victory. It is believed that chanting Aditya Hrudayam regularly brings blessings of prosperity, health, and success.

English translation of Aditya Hrudayam:

Verse 1

Seeing Rama tired and thoughtful in the battlefield, And Ravana approaching, Agastya the sage approached Rama and said:

Verse 2

Rama, listen to this eternal secret, By reciting which, son, You would be victorious in war.

Verse 3

This is the prayer called “the heart of the sun”. Which is holy, destroys all enemies, Who destroys, snow, Who destroys his enemies, Who has an immeasurable body, Who destroys those who are not grateful, And to him who is the Lord of those who shine.

Verse 4

Salutations to Him, Who is of the colour of molten gold, Who is of the form of fire, Who has created the world, Who destroys ignorance, Who is the subject of all that is loved, Who is the giver of all desires, Who is the giver of good health, Who is the giver of wealth, Who is the giver of knowledge, Who is the giver of fame, Who is the giver of longevity, Who is the giver of happiness, Who is the giver of liberation, Who is the giver of everything.

Verse 5

I bow down to the Sun God, Who is the giver of life, Who is the giver of knowledge, Who is the giver of wealth, Who is the giver of happiness, Who is the giver of liberation.

Benefits of Aditya Hrudayam:

  • It is believed that chanting Aditya Hrudayam regularly brings blessings of prosperity, health, and success.
  • It is also said to help overcome fear, anxiety, and depression.
  • Aditya Hrudayam is a powerful prayer that can be used for spiritual enlightenment and self-realization.

How to chant Aditya Hrudayam:

Aditya Hrudayam can be chanted in any language. It is traditionally chanted in Sanskrit, but there are also translations available in English, Hindi, and other languages.

To chant Aditya Hrudayam, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Relax your body and mind, and focus on the words of the prayer. Chant the prayer slowly and deliberately, paying attention to the meaning of the words.

You can chant Aditya Hrudayam for any length of time. It is a good practice to chant it at least once a day.


Aditya Hrudayam is a beautiful and powerful prayer that can be a source of inspiration and guidance for people of all faiths. It is a prayer that can help us to connect with the divine and to find peace and happiness in our lives.

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