Shiva Shadakshara Stotram Lyrics in English With Meaning

॥ shivaShaDakShara stotram ॥

OMkaaraM bindusaMyuktaM nityaM dhyaayanti yoginaH |
kaamadaM mokShadaM chaiva OMkaaraaya namo namaH ॥ 1 ॥

namanti RuShayo devaa namantyapsarasaaM gaNaaH |
naraa namanti deveshaM nakaaraaya namo namaH ॥ 2 ॥

mahaadevaM mahaatmaanaM mahaadhyaana paraayaNam |
mahaapaapaharaM devaM makaaraaya namo namaH ॥ 3 ॥

shivaM shaantaM jagannaathaM lokaanugrahakaarakam |
shivamekapadaM nityaM shikaaraaya namo namaH ॥ 4 ॥

vaahanaM vRuShabho yasya vaasukiH kaNThabhooShaNam |
vaame shaktidharaM devaM vakaaraaya namo namaH ॥ 5 ॥

yatra yatra sthito devaH sarvavyaapI maheshvaraH |
yo guruH sarvadevaanaaM yakaaraaya namo namaH ॥ 6 ॥

ShaDakSharamidaM stotraM yaH paThecChivasannidhau |
shivalokamavaapnoti shivena saha modate ॥ 7 ॥

iti shrIrudrayaamale umaamaheshvarasaMvaade shivaShaDakSharastotraM saMpoorNam ॥

Lord Shiva Shadakshari Stotram Meaning:

Salutations and salutations to letter “om”,
Which is meditated as a letter Om with a dot,
Daily by great sages,
And leads them to fulfillment of desires,
And the attainment of salvation.

Salutations and salutations to letter “na”,
Which is saluted by great sages,
Which is saluted by groups of divine maidens,
And which is saluted by men and the king of devas.

Salutations and salutations to letter “ma”,
Which is saluted as the greatest god,
Which is saluted by great souls,
Which is greatly meditated and read,
And which is the stealer of all sins.

Salutations and salutations to letter “Shi”,
Which is Lord Shiva,
Who is the abode of peace,
Who is the lord of the universe,
Who is the one who blesses the world,
And which is the one word that is eternal.

Salutations and salutations to letter “va”,
Which the God who holds in his left Goddess Shakthi,
And who rides on a bull,
And wears on his neck the snake Vasuki.

Salutations and salutations to letter “ya”,
Which is the teacher of all the devas,
Who exists wherever gods exist,
And who is the great God spread everywhere

If one reads this prayer of six letters,
In front of God shiva,
He would reach the world of Shiva,
And be always happy with him.

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