Tulasi Stotram in English with Meanings

jagaddhātri namastubhyaṁ viṣṇōśca priyavallabhē |
yatō brahmādayō dēvāḥ sr̥ṣṭisthityantakāriṇaḥ ||

namastulasi kalyāṇi namō viṣṇupriyē śubhē |
namō mōkṣapradē dēvi namaḥ sampatpradāyikē ||

tulasī pātu māṁ nityaṁ sarvāpadbhyō:’pi sarvadā |
kīrtitā vāpi smr̥tā vāpi pavitrayati mānavam ||

namāmi śirasā dēvīṁ tulasīṁ vilasattanuṁ |
yāṁ dr̥ṣṭvā pāpinō martyāḥ mucyantē sarvakilbiṣāt ||

tulasyā rakṣitaṁ sarvaṁ jagadētaccarācaraṁ |
yā vinarhanti pāpāni dr̥ṣṭvā vā pāpibhirnaraiḥ ||

namastulasyatitarāṁ yasyai baddhāñjaliṁ kalau |
kalayanti sukhaṁ sarvaṁ striyō vaiśyāstathā:’parē ||

tulasyā nāparaṁ kiñciddaivataṁ jagatītalē |
yathā pavitritō lōkō viṣṇusaṅgēna vaiṣṇavaḥ ||

tulasyāḥ pallavaṁ viṣṇōḥ śirasyārōpitaṁ kalau |
ārōpayati sarvāṇi śrēyāṁsi varamastakē ||

tulasyāṁ sakalā dēvā vasanti satataṁ yataḥ |
atastāmarcayēllōkē sarvān dēvān samarcayan ||

namastulasi sarvajñē puruṣōttamavallabhē |
pāhi māṁ sarva pāpēbhyaḥ sarvasampatpradāyikē ||

iti stōtraṁ purā gītaṁ puṇḍarīkēṇa dhīmatā |
viṣṇumarcayatā nityaṁ śōbhanaistulasīdalaiḥ ||

tulasī śrīrmahālakṣmīrvidyāvidyā yaśasvinī |
dharmyā dharmānanā dēvī dēvadēvamanaḥpriyā ||

lakṣmīpriyasakhī dēvī dyaurbhūmiracalā calā |
ṣōḍaśaitāni nāmāni tulasyāḥ kīrtayannaraḥ ||

labhatē sutarāṁ bhaktimantē viṣṇupadaṁ labhēt |
tulasī bhūrmahālakṣmīḥ padminī śrīrharipriyā ||

tulasi śrīsakhi śubhē pāpahāriṇi puṇyadē |
namastē nāradanutē nārāyaṇamanaḥpriyē ||

iti śrī puṇḍarīka kr̥taṁ tulasī stōtram ||

Tulasi Stotram with Meanings:

Salutations O Devi Tulasi, Beloved consort of Lord Vishnu, You who hold the world within your embrace, And grant blessings with your grace.

1. जगद्धात्रि नमस्तुभ्यं विष्णोश्च प्रियवल्लभे। (Jagaddhaatri Namas Tubhyam Vishnosh Cha Priya Vallabhe)

  • Meaning: I bow down to you, oh Jagaddhatri (bearer of the world), who are the dearest beloved of Lord Vishnu.

2. यतो ब्रह्मादयो देवाः सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तकारिणः। (Yato Brahmadaayo Devaah Srishti Sthityaanta Kaarineh)

  • Meaning: Because of your power, O Devi, the Devas beginning with Brahma are able to Create, Maintain and bring an End to the World.

3. नमस्तुलसि कल्याणि नमो विष्णुप्रिये शुभे। (Namas Tulasi Kalyani Namo Vishnnu Priya Shube)

  • Meaning: Salutations to Devi Tulasi, who brings goodness in life, Salutations to Devi Tulasi, who is the beloved of Lord Vishnu and Who is Auspicious.

4. नमो मोक्षप्रदे देवि नमः सम्पत्प्रदायिके। (Namo Moksha Prade Devi Namah Sampat Phadaayike)

  • Meaning: Salutations to Devi Tulasi, who grants Liberation, and Salutations to Devi Tulasi, who bestows Prosperity.

5. तुलसी पातु मां नित्यं सर्वापद्भ्योऽपि सर्वदा। (Tulasi Paatu Maam Nityam Sarvaapatbhyo Api Sarvada)

  • Meaning: O Devi Tulasi, please protect me always from all misfortunes and calamities.

6. कीर्तितापि स्मृता वापि पवित्रयति मानवम्। (Keertitaa Pi Smrita Vaa Pi Pavitrayati Maanavam)

  • Meaning: O Devi, Singing Your Glories, or even Remembering You makes a person Pure.

7. नमामि शिरसा देवीं तुलसीं विलसत्तनुम्। (Namaami Shirasa Deevim Tulasiim Vilasat Tanum)

  • Meaning: I reverentially bow down to Devi Tulasi, the foremost among the Devis (Goddesses) and Who has a beautiful body.

8. यां दृष्ट्वा पापिनो मर्त्या मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषात्। (Yaam Drishṭvaa Paapino Martyaa Muchyante Sarva Kilbisaat)

  • Meaning: O Devi, Seeing your Form even sinful men are freed from all their sins.

9. देवी तुलसी देवी तुलसी तारिणी सर्वसंभवा। (Devi Tulasi Devi Tulasi Taarini Sarva Sambhava)

  • Meaning: O Devi Tulasi, O Devi Tulasi, you are the Saviour from all worldly attachments.

10. पूजितासि सुरैः सर्वैः त्वं वन्द्या च नमो नमः। (Poojitaasi Suraih Sarvai Tvam Vandyaa Cha Namo Namah)

  • Meaning: You are worshipped by all the Devas, You are worthy of praise, Salutations, Salutations.

Om Namah Bhagavate Vasudevaya!

  • Meaning: Salutations to Lord Vishnu!

This Tulasi Stotram is a beautiful prayer praising Devi Tulasi, considered an incarnation of Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu. It highlights her divine powers, her connection to the natural world, and her ability to grant blessings and protection. Chanting this stotram with devotion can bring peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

An Ode to Tulasi: Unravelling the Depth of the Tulasi Stotram

The Tulasi Stotram, a Sanskrit hymn woven with reverence and beauty, unfolds like a fragrant garland at the feet of Devi Tulasi, the sacred basil revered as an embodiment of Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu’s divine consort. This stotram transcends mere verses, becoming a bridge between the mortal and the divine, a conduit for blessings and spiritual upliftment.

Unveiling the Power Within:

  • Verse 1: We begin with an offering of humility, acknowledging Tulasi as the “Jagaddhatri,” the one who cradles the world in her embrace. Her connection to Vishnu, “Vishnosh Cha Priya Vallabhe,” the dearest beloved, underscores her immense power and auspicious presence.

  • Verse 2: The stotram then unveils the cosmic significance of Tulasi. We learn that through her, the very creation, sustenance, and dissolution of the universe unfold. From Brahma, the creator, to the concluding dance of Shiva, all cosmic activities find their source in this divine being.

  • Verses 3 and 4: As we move inward, the focus shifts to personal blessings. Tulasi, the “Kalyani” (auspicious one) and “Vishnnu Priya” (beloved of Vishnu), showers us with grace. She is the giver of liberation, “Moksha Prade,” and the bestower of prosperity, “Sampat Phadaayike.”

Protection and Purity:

  • Verse 5: The vulnerability of human existence finds solace in Tulasi’s protective embrace. We plead, “Tulasi Paatu Maam Nityam,” protecting me always from all misfortunes. Her shield extends not just against external dangers, but also internal demons of fear and doubt.

  • Verse 6: The mere act of remembrance becomes a cleansing flame. “Keertitaa Pi Smrita Vaa Pi Pavitrayati Maanavam,” singing your glories or even remembering you purifies the human soul. This simple act elevates us, drawing us closer to the divine essence within.

In the Presence of the Radiant One:

  • Verse 7: We stand humbled, bowing down to “Deem Tulasiim Vilasat Tanum,” the radiant body of the goddess. Her beauty is not of this world, but a shimmering reflection of the divine light, beckoning us towards spiritual realization.

  • Verse 8: The transformative power of Tulasi extends beyond earthly limitations. “Yaam Drishṭvaa Paapino Martyaa Muchyante Sarva Kilbisaat,” even the most sinful mortals find liberation from their transgressions upon gazing upon her form. Her presence offers a path to redemption and a chance to rise above the shadows of the past.

A Chorus of Praise:

  • Verses 9 and 10: The crescendo of devotion culminates in an outpouring of adoration. “Devi Tulasi Taarini Sarva Sambhava,” O Devi Tulasi, you are the savior from all worldly attachments, guiding us towards true liberation. We join the celestial chorus, echoing “Poojitaasi Suraih Sarvai Tvam Vandyaa Cha Namo Namah,” you are worshipped by all the Devas, worthy of endless praise and salutations.

The Tulasi Stotram is not merely a set of words; it’s a tapestry woven with devotion, knowledge, and the yearning for liberation. As we chant each verse, we tap into the cosmic power of Tulasi, inviting her blessings to unfold within us, illuminating our path with wisdom and purifying our hearts with her divine grace. Let this beautiful hymn be a guiding light, leading us ever closer to the essence of Tulasi, the embodiment of love, purity, and liberation.

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